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Remote control of refrigerant plants and Artificial Intelligence

Optimize the O&M of your industrial cooling facilities using Artificial Intelligence and machine learning

From the historical data collected by our Building Operating System (BOS), we create management algorithms. We propose different operating scenarios which you decide to activate at will.

Through remote control of your refrigerant facilities and AI, we generate savings. Keep the control and drive your installations to consume the appropriate energy required, improving the overall reliability thanks to preventive maintenance. You can anticipate breakdowns and part replacements.

Contact an expert
  • Pictogramme relevé de maintenance

    Enhanced and optimal performance of your installations

  • Pictogramme gains

    Operation and maintenance savings

  • Pictogrammes maintenance

    Decision support tool in the management of your equipment

Our expertise

  • ampoules led
    Energy diagnostics and Engineering

    Identify potential energy savings for your sites and implement the appropriate actions

    Lear more
  • Certificats économie énergie
    Valuation of Energy Saving Certificates

    Identify energy saving works and estimate the number of Energy Saving Certificates.
